Toronto Brand Awareness

Benefits of Display Advertising

Display advertising is an excellent way to increase your brand awareness  in Toronto or the GTA while driving conversations. While some businesses prefer to focus on search, display advertising cost per click is a lot less than search advertising. With display advertising, you can create a few different types of ads; banners, rich media, video, text ads, and more. Most websites with high traffic use display ads to advertise to their visitors. It can also be used to remarket to users who visit your website and leave by displaying your ad on the other websites they visit.  With display campaigns, you can target a user based on a few different criteria such as location, demographic & interests.

Display Network Targeting Methods​

The Google display network has partnered with millions of digital ad space providers to display a variety of ad content. We can help you advertise to potential customers who are viewing content related to your website. 

This drastically increases the probability that they would click on your Ad and that click will convert into a potential lead. This network consists of websites, blogs and video websites. There are different options you can use to target the websites you prefer to advertise on.

Display Keywords

When using the display keyword targeting options, Google AdWords find websites that have the same keywords as the ones you are targeting and places your ads on those websites. This can be used in combination with any of the other targeting options for more precise targeting.


This allows you to find audiences who are viewing content that relates to the topic you chose. This will display your ads on websites that have relevant content to the topics you have chosen.


With interest targeting, you will target audiences based on their long or short term interest. So if they are actively searching for a product or service this will display your ads to them. This option can also display your ads to consumers who have a general interest in the category you chose.


If the product or service you are advertising is for a certain demographic then this is the option for you. With demographic targeting, you can target customers based on their age, gender, and even parental status. You also have the option to exclude certain demographic if your product or service doesn’t apply to them


When using the display keyword targeting options, Google AdWords find websites that have the same keywords as the ones you are targeting and places your ads on those websites. This can be used in combination with any of the other targeting options for more precise targeting.

Get your brand known

Whichever targeting option you chose we can help you accomplish your goals. If you think display advertising is for you then contact us and we can get you on your way.

Display Advertising Features:

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Answers to a few frequently ask questions regarding Brand Awareness and Display advertising

Display Advertising is a form of PPC advertising where you pay websites through platforms like google adwords or bingAds to display your banners or text ads to their visitors.

Display advertising cost signifficanly less than tradicitonal advertising. Cost per click ranges from $0.10 – $4 depending on what you are targeting.

Re-marketing is advertising a product or service to customers once they leave your website. If they visit any website on the google display network your ads will show.

People tend to gravitate towards what they know, there is a higher chance of a customer purchasing a product if they are familiar with your brand. Advertising to them through the display network is a great way for them to be familiar with your brand